Updates to the Society Org Chart

At the April meeting of the Board of Directors, following a good deal of members feedback, a proposal was ratified to promote the office of the Chatelaine from a deputy to a full Society officer, and to add a new Society officer for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB).

As part of this update, the previous Corporate office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging office was named the Office of Inclusive Programs.

I assume the Society’s Governing Documents will be updated soon to reflect these changes.

I’ve updated my org chart to reflect these developments, as well as two corrections to the version I assembled in December:

  • Although some documents show the Communications and Social Media offices as distinct, for the last year they have been combined and held by a single individual, as part of an ongoing reorganization of that office.
  • Although some older documents show the Information Technology office reporting directly to the Board, this practice appears to have changed a few years ago, perhaps at the same time the office’s title changed from “Vice President” to “Manager,” circa 2018.

[Update, April 24:] A few people asked about sharing this document, which folks are welcome to do — I’ve updated the chart to add a Creative Commons notice to help make this clear.

While I was at it, I shifted a couple of things around for greater clarity and added a row of boxes for local branch offices. The chart still doesn’t include all kingdom or branch offices, but these vary widely from region to region so it seems impossible to show all of the possibilities.

[Update, April 26:] Email from the SCA President suggests this chart is “damned accurate.” Correspondence attached below.

Click to enlarge.

From: Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
To: SCA President, SCA Executive Assistant, SCA Communications Office
Date: 26 April 2024

In the absence of an up-to-date Society-provided org chart, some people are sharing the unofficial one I created.

I tried to accurately incorporate the information you provided last year, as well as the changes made in this month’s Board meeting, but if I’ve misunderstood anything or left out any important details I would love to hear about it to ensure I’m not misleading anyone.

And John — thank you for your many years of service, and best of luck in your future endeavors.

— Mathghamhain

From: John Fulton - SCA President
To: Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
Cc: SCA President Elect, SCA Executive Assistant, SCA Communications Office
Date: 26 April 2024

Hi Mathghamhain,

We are using your org chart and the passed org chart from 2019 along with the EA going through the Minutes since 2019 to get a new one ready to be passed.

I think your chart seems damned accurate.

It has been a pleasure to hear from you and as I head into retirement perhaps we can touch base in the future on some stuff.

Bao will do a great job.



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