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Hard Work Pays Off Eventually

Thank you to Countess Honor of Restormel for the shout-out in this quarter’s reports to the SCA BOD — I can’t wait for the Release Forms Handbook to finally be approved and distributed.

Thanks to Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin (Matthew Cavalletto) for his extensive contributions to the development of the Release Forms Handbook which is submitted for consideration to the Board of Directors this quarter. His diligence and dedication are appreciated.

President’s Board Report November 6 from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on October 16, 2022

Eastern Branches May Set Their Own Exchequerate Terms

The Charter of Østgarðr sets the length of officers’ terms to two years, with no term limits other than what is specified in kingdom law: a maximum of four years for seneschals or exchequers, with no maximum for other offices.

But as we approach this year’s elections, we reviewed the relevant kingdom documentation and stumbled on what seemed like an overriding provision that was recently added to the policies of the East Kingdom Exchequer’s office. Continue reading “Eastern Branches May Set Their Own Exchequerate Terms”

Licensing of Software Developed for the SCA

An open letter to the corporate leadership of the SCA, lightly edited for clarity from the version I submitted in September 2022. — Mathghamhain

There is a long-standing issue within the Society around licensing for software developed by volunteers as well as related IT-related creations.

My direct experience with this is mostly in the context of the East Kingdom webministry, but in talking with folks from other kingdoms I’ve gotten the impression that this issue is widespread and dates back more than twenty years.

If you look at all the software written for various branches of the SCA — event calendars, order-of-precedence repositories, custom website themes, martial-authorization databases — I believe you will find that only a minority of it has clear copyright attributions or explicit licenses. Continue reading “Licensing of Software Developed for the SCA”

Branches Must Publish Financial Reports

I was looking through the exchequerate policies to answer a question about a recent event, and by accident I stumbled onto this provision.

A copy of the Comparative Balance Sheet and Income/Expense Statement from the annual report(Q4) must be made available to the membership at least annually, whether published in a newsletter or distributed to the membership in some other form.

East Kingdom Financial Policy VIII.B.6
Continue reading “Branches Must Publish Financial Reports”

Eastern Minor Medical Auth Forms Need Not Be Notarized

For many years, the East Kingdom had a policy that anyone bringing youth to an event without the presence of their parent or guardian needed to carry a Medical Authorization (“Permission to Treat”) form in case of emergencies, and that this form must be notarized.

Getting that form notarized had proven to be a stumbling block when trying to bring my teen’s school friends to events with us, and so when I became a kingdom officer I tried to get it changed.

It turned out that the policy was ancient and appeared to be unnecessary, and although it required repeated rounds of emails back and forth, that requirement was eventually dropped.

On Jul 4, 2021, at 3:53 PM, I wrote:

… [The] French text on the “Law & Policies” page also indicates that the medical authorization form might need to be notarized in some states; the “Frequently Asked Questions” page discusses the medical authorization but does not mention notarization. Do we know if there are any states or provinces in the East Kingdom that require this form to be notarized?

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
— East Kingdom Marshal of Youth Combat

On Jul 6, 2021, at 7:26 PM, Kingdom Chancellor of Minors wrote:

As far as I know, only Florida requires notarization of this form.

On Dec 1, 2021, at 1:02 AM, I wrote:

Please forgive the delay in my looping back to this issue we talked about over the summer.

The most-authoritative-looking kingdom policy I’ve been able to find on the subject says that the medical authorization form is required to be notarized for all U.S. portions of the East Kingdom — see section II.D.2.a. here:

However, this document appears to be fifteen years old and I’m not sure it’s is up-to-date or reflects current practice — I notice the Chancellor Minor website continues to describe that the notarization is merely “recommended” for use in the U.S., rather than required:

In the course of taking other people’s children to events in the past, I’ve discovered that getting this form notarized can be a huge hassle, so if it’s optional that would be fantastic!

If that kingdom policy statement is out of date, I’d appreciate a pointer to a more-current version. 

Alternately, if there’s no external legal requirement for this form to be notarized — eg, if U.S. medical providers would generally accept it without notarization, or if it’s only required in certain circumstances — I’d love to work on getting the policy updated to make life easier for folks bringing their children’s friends to events.

(I know that medical facilities in and around New York City will accept such a form without notarization because lots of local schools and summer camps have similar forms without spaces for a notary’s mark — but I am not a lawyer and I have no idea what the rules are in the other jurisdictions.)

Thanks for any input you might have on this,

On Dec 2, 2021, at 5:59 PM, Kingdom Chancellor of Minors wrote:

When this came up in 2017 I did a lot of research and all I could find was that notarization was required for Youth attending events in Florida with anyone other than their parents or legal guardians.  In the East Kingdom, minors attending with an adult who is not their parent or legal guardian must show a current blue card for the youth, or turn in a signed copy of the  Minor’s Consent to Participate and Hold Harmless Agreement form at the gate.  They must also show a copy of the signed Medical Authorization for Minors at the gate.  This form should be kept with the youth in case of an emergency.

You can find longer descriptions of this on the Chancellor Minor FAQ: and the official kingdom policy can be found here:

On Thu, Dec 2, 2021 at 6:16 PM I wrote:

Thank you Hugoline — I know this is a murky subject and I appreciate your help spelunking through the details.

Medhbh — the policy document that appears to create the requirement for youth medical authorization forms to be notarized is the January 2006 “East Kingdom Policy on Adult and Minor Waivers” paragraph II.D.2.a.

Is this still authoritative?

(And if so, what would be the correct procedure for proposing an amendment to relax the notarization requirement and bring it into alignment with how most of the kingdom has actually been operating in recent years?)

On Dec 3, 2021, at 6:24 PM, East Kingdom Seneschal wrote:

I’ll check in with my predecessors, because, frankly, nothing that hasn’t been updated since 2006 should still be front-facing! If this is, indeed, just policy, then all that needs to be done is update the language and point to the Chancellor of Minors page at the relevant section (rather than copying the language and having it get out of date). 

On Dec 3, 2021, at 7:37 PM, East Kingdom Seneschal wrote:

Hello again!

So, as it turns out, I can just update the page as needed, since it’s a repetition of the policy outlined elsewhere. I’d thought as much, but then again, with something in place that long, it’s always better to double check.

I, however, do not have the spoons to get this done in anything like a timely way. I’ll cast about for someone in need of a project (I have someone in mind), and get it done. 

Thanks again, Math, for following through on the tiny details!

In service,

On Aug 25, 2022, at 3:41 PM, I wrote:

Good day,

I am writing to re-surface a policy issue that I first brought up last year, but which didn’t get fixed before the end of Medhbh’s term, in hopes that perhaps we can get it fixed this term.

A couple of decades ago, when a policy was instituted requiring children attending a Society event with someone other than their parent or legal guardian to be accompanied by a medical authorization form, the East Kingdom’s statement of that policy specified that those forms needed to be notarized for use in the U.S.

Over the intervening years, the requirement that the forms be notarized was relaxed: event stewards don’t turn people away if they are carrying the non-notarized form, the Chancellor Minor’s policies don’t say notarization is required, and the website shows it as “recommended” but not required.

Non-SCA organizations in our region also routinely use medical authorization forms without requiring them to be notarized. Unlike twenty years ago, nearly all parents whose children might attend a Society event today are reachable by cellphone in an emergency. 

The one document that still insists that these forms must be notarized is the East Kingdom’s waiver policy, which hasn’t been updated since 2006. 

Despite this policy not actually being enforced, it does create a burden on families who are trying to adhere to it — a couple of years ago, before the pandemic, when I was brining my teen child’s school friends to events, getting these forms notarized was a real stumbling block; there were multiple occasions on which we were late to events as we delayed departure while families drove around the city looking for a notary, and one case where they gave up and kept their child home.

In the absence of any evidence that this notarization is actually legally required, can we have this requirement removed?

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
— East Kingdom Marshal of Youth Combat

On Sep 9, 2022, at 9:36 AM, East Kingdom Seneschal wrote:

Hi all! 

Sorry for the delay in responding here. 

I’ll have the webminster 1) update that page to the new format (whoa) and remove that line.  

We’ll be doing a Waiver Policy overhaul shortly in general.  

Thank you! 

In Service, 
Magistra Audrye Beneyt
East Kingdom Seneschal 

Processing Release Forms by Email

In talking with various officers from other kingdoms and within the Society’s leadership, it turns out that an undocumented provision allows for officers to gather release forms by email.

I’ve summarized what I’ve learned to date in the writeup below, which I will circulate for feedback — hopefully we can get any lingering issues ironed out, and then have this published somewhere official so that local officers can use this technique to streamline their work.

Continue reading “Processing Release Forms by Email”

In Support of Youth Independence

Date: July 21, 2019

Dear Lady Hugoline and Mistress Katherine,

In the wake of the Society revising its youth policies, we are writing to you to encourage a similar review of the East Kingdom’s rules in this area.

In particular, the policies of the East Kingdom Chancellor Minor state that “Youth between the age of 5 and 12 … must be within sight and sound range of their parent/guardian/responsible adult/teen supervisor at all times.”

As we wrote to the Society leadership, after having our ten-year-old take the subway across Manhattan to school every day, it seems absurd to say that when at an SCA event he would require an escort to the bathroom.

The reality is that the current rule is generally not enforced, and if you walk around many events in our kingdom you will often see school-age kids hanging out and playing together and moving safely around the site without necessarily being directly and continuously supervised by a designated adult.

While we agree that younger children require a greater level of oversight than teens, we do not think that all youth under the age of thirteen require continuous monitoring at all events, and we believe it is appropriate to allow parents to exercise their judgement and discretion in these matters, in conjunction with guidance from event stewards and other event staff if conditions or activities at a particular event warrant it.

Thank you for your consideration,

— Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin
— Alienor Salton