It Turns Out My Modern Name Is Also Difficult to Spell

Thank you to Thomas Blackmoore for recognizing the effort I’ve put in to the still-in-progress IT Policies handbook.

Commendations: Matthew Cavaletto, Eben Kurtzman, Daniel McEwan, and Nicolas Milano for their work on the proposed IT policies and Hunter Eidson, Lewis Tanzos, and Russ Smith for their troubleshooting efforts on the server during Pennsic.

President’s Report for October 2023 Board Meeting

Complaints as a Service

Thank you to Thomas Blackmoore, Society IT Manager, for the mention in last month’s report to the Board.

Commendations: Matthew Cavalletto (Mathghamhain Ua Ruadhain) – for invaluable assistance in finding issues that need to be resolved

President’s Report for April 2023 Board Meeting

It’s good to know that the ceaseless stream of emails I send to Society officers are productive, even if they may at times be somewhat annoying.

Hard Work Pays Off Eventually

Thank you to Countess Honor of Restormel for the shout-out in this quarter’s reports to the SCA BOD — I can’t wait for the Release Forms Handbook to finally be approved and distributed.

Thanks to Mathghamhain Ua Ruadháin (Matthew Cavalletto) for his extensive contributions to the development of the Release Forms Handbook which is submitted for consideration to the Board of Directors this quarter. His diligence and dedication are appreciated.

President’s Board Report November 6 from the Board of Directors’ Meeting held on October 16, 2022